Jul 24, 2010

Summer Travelin'

So, we've been very busy this summer. Lucy is now over 6 months old and has changed so much in the past 1.5 or so months!! She got a great report at her well-baby check-up. She's on target for her milestones, and weighs 14 lbs, 13 oz, (25th percentile) and was 26 inches long (50th percentile). She started rolling both ways by 5 months and recently, just before she was 6 months old, she started sitting herself up. Mark walked into her room after her nap one afternoon and there she sat, so proud of herself! Needless to say we had to lower her crib shortly afterward. With the 6 month mark came Lucy's first tooth. She's eating in her high chair and has started to enjoy eating some solids. Favorites include: oatmeal, applesauce, pears, sweet potatoes, bananas and carrots...Dislikes: peas, green beans, most meats (I don't blame her, they smell really gross), and prunes-I agree.

Lucy loves her baths, so we weren't surprised when she loved her first time at the pool. She learned to splash the water with her hands. She also has loved her little baby pool and some water play we have done in her high chair. Bubbles are a new fun interest too!

We've gone on 3 road trips this summer, and Lucy's been such a good little traveler. We went to Newport, to visit my family in June, then up to Nebraska for the 4th of July and to Eureka Springs AR for our close friends' Jennifer and Josh's wedding. Mark's taken lots of pics during our travels and we'll be adding some shortly.

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