Jul 24, 2010

Summer Travelin'

So, we've been very busy this summer. Lucy is now over 6 months old and has changed so much in the past 1.5 or so months!! She got a great report at her well-baby check-up. She's on target for her milestones, and weighs 14 lbs, 13 oz, (25th percentile) and was 26 inches long (50th percentile). She started rolling both ways by 5 months and recently, just before she was 6 months old, she started sitting herself up. Mark walked into her room after her nap one afternoon and there she sat, so proud of herself! Needless to say we had to lower her crib shortly afterward. With the 6 month mark came Lucy's first tooth. She's eating in her high chair and has started to enjoy eating some solids. Favorites include: oatmeal, applesauce, pears, sweet potatoes, bananas and carrots...Dislikes: peas, green beans, most meats (I don't blame her, they smell really gross), and prunes-I agree.

Lucy loves her baths, so we weren't surprised when she loved her first time at the pool. She learned to splash the water with her hands. She also has loved her little baby pool and some water play we have done in her high chair. Bubbles are a new fun interest too!

We've gone on 3 road trips this summer, and Lucy's been such a good little traveler. We went to Newport, to visit my family in June, then up to Nebraska for the 4th of July and to Eureka Springs AR for our close friends' Jennifer and Josh's wedding. Mark's taken lots of pics during our travels and we'll be adding some shortly.

May 11, 2010

4 months old!

Lucy had her 4 month appt on Friday...she weighs 12 lbs 12 oz, is 23.5 inches long (both 25th percentile) and is in the 10th percentile for her head circumference! She's met all of her milestones up to this point and is really working on rolling over. I can't believe how quickly she's grown and how much changes each day. She loves to play with her play gym, and particularly likes grabbing the butterfly and the parrots that hang down from it. She's generally a very happy baby and is very ticklish and loves to cuddle. She has a little doll she uses to sleep with every night. She holds onto it to self-soothe when she falls asleep. At this point, she's sleeping about 7 hours at her longest stretch. Mom doesn't want to jinx it, but she seems to be a very good sleeper. Lucy loves to listen to music, including any songs her mama sings to her, and she likes to sit and listen to short books. She even touches the pages of her board books and seems to really love Brown Bear Brown Bear with all of the colorful animals!! Mark and I can't believe how lucky we are to have such a wonderful little person in our lives. I've been back at work for about a month now, and in the meantime we've had Mark's mom stay for 3 weeks, and my Dad came last week to watch Lucy by himself. We are so proud of Papa, he did a great job of reading and playing with Lucy. Lucy tried her 1st rice cereal last night, and her eyes grew to the size of saucers when she tried it. We're not sure she really likes it yet, but with a little repetition and practice, I think she'll warm up to it. We got some cute pics of her eating her rice cereal last night...those are to follow!!

Apr 4, 2010

Apr 2, 2010

Daddy's first portrait attempt. More to follow for Easter.
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Easter Bunny at 12 Weeks

Daddy missed this photo shoot, but he will be there next time!

Mar 22, 2010

Humpty Dumpty (Bath)

Mimi talking to Lucy while she gets a bath.

Mar 9, 2010

Two Months Old!

Hard to believe Lucy is 8 weeks old already. She had her 2 month check-up with Dr. Spencer yesterday. Overall, she is doing great! She weighs 10 lbs, is 22 inches long-which are both in the 25th percentile for her gender and age...head size has grown, but still in the 5th percentile. She is very strong in her arms and shoulders and she even pushed up for the doc and then proceeded to roll over onto her back for the 1st time ever...such an overachiever. Really, we're just so happy she's healthy and on track for all of her milestones. She recently started cooing and smiling and is very ticklish. She got her 1st set of shots and mama had Mark hold her while the nurse gave them. It was almost more traumatic for mama than Lucy. Here's a few more pics...these were taken in the waiting room at the doctor.

Feb 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

We got a cute pic of Lucy in her "i Love Daddy" valentine onesie. Thank you, Mimi, for keeping Lucy dressed like a diva! Jennifer and Josh have been in town to visit this weekend, which has been great. We made it to church this morning, Lucy's 1st time to go and she pretty much slept the whole time, which was fine with mama! Hard to believe Lucy is just over 5 weeks old now...we think she weighs close to 9 lbs, she makes new noises every day and is very expressive with her hands..wonder who she gets that from? Last night she actually slept for a 4 hour, uninterrupted stretch of time, and we thank her very much!! She also officially graduated to size 1 diapers from the newborn size, after she had her 1st blow out...it was everywhere, and she pretty much needed a full bath afterwards! Tonight, Mark's cooking a yummy meal of filet with asparagus and fettuccine for Jennifer and Josh, and the two of us! Happy Heart Day!

Jan 31, 2010


Soo, needless to say,we've had a busy weekend. Sara's mom, Mimi Celeste, was here to visit. We had a wonderful time and loved having her here to help out. Sara, Lucy and Mimi made it out to eat lunch together and did a little shopping for Lucy..the first of many shopping trips for sure!

Saturday night, Mimi was holding Lucy while she napped and Sara thought Lucy felt warm, so she decided to check her temperature...when the thermometer registered 100.4, mom and dad flipped a little..called the doctor and we ended up having to take our first trip to the ER. Yep, it was traumatic, mainly for mom, who cried while the nurses took blood and urine samples from little Lucy. Three hours later, following Lucy's first real tears/open mouthed silent screams,and mom's heart being torn out, all of the tests came back normal...and Lucy had no fever. Long story short, she basically suffered from being too bundled up while she slept. First of many lessons learned...we are relieved nothing was wrong with her and would rather be safe than sorry. As we drove home at 2 am, we laughed that it was the latest we'd been out on a Saturday night since we got pregnant! Life sure has changed in such a short time and we wouldn't have it any other way!

Jan 22, 2010

Gaining Weight

Lucy started out at 6 lb, 8 oz. She was 6 lb, 3oz at her first doctor appointment. Today was her 2 week appointment and she came in at 7 lb, 6 oz!!! We now get to slow down her feeding a little. Also, Mark's momma is in town for the week. We are enjoying her company and help!

Jan 9, 2010

Baby Lucy: First Few Days in Pictures

We keep adding images to the slideshow, so click on the image to see more pictures.

Jan 8, 2010

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Lucy Katherine Whelan

Lucy was born at 2:20pm, 6 lb 8 oz, 19 inches

Push! Push! Push!

She is ready to go...starting to push.


100% effaced
position 0

Eppy is in

The Epidural is in and she is feeling good!

Arrival at the Hospital

We have arrived at the hospital and Sara is getting settled. Her water was broke by Buzz and is now receiving pitocin. She will be getting her epidural soon.

Sounds like things will take a while. Maybe a evening delivery if we are lucky. I forgot my USB cable at home, so no picture uploads for a while. :(

Jan 5, 2010

3 more days....

We found out today we'll be inducing this Friday, January 8th....we show up at 6 in the morning and we'll see how long it takes for baby girl to make her big debut!  Check back on the blog, as Mark will be updating progress during the labor...can't wait to share news of her arrival!
Lilypie First Birthday tickers